Sunday, June 24, 2012

Whew, sorry about that long hiatus. Life has been a little bit hectic since my last post back in April.

Ok... time to play catch up.

So far, we've moved into our new house. We still have things in boxes because he's always out to sea and it's basically me here alone doing most of the unpacking and organizing... just imagine how stressful and tiring it is when you're pregnant. NOT FUN...

It's slowly but surely looking like a home, day by day. I just wish I could snap my fingers and then poof, everything would be in it's place. No more boxes and such. But I plan on finishing up the big items by this Wednesday. That's my goal. It's been going on way too long this whole unpacking nonsense. And we don't even have that much stuff which is confusing the hell out of me. How did we manage to fit all this stuff into a 1 bedroom apartment, and it's making our 3 bedroom house look crowded... Lord help me.

Ok. As of right now, I am 26 weeks along. YAY!! 2 more weeks and I'm in my third trimester. The final stretch, the final countdown. Almost there. 14 more weeks until we see our little baby. I'm excited but scared at the same time. Like, am I going to be a good mother? Is he going to come out with all his 10 toes and 10 fingers, no deformities? Who is he going to resemble more? Me, or Phil? I just want a healthy delivery.

We've had too many scares along the way with this pregnancy. I've cried too many times over what doctors have told me only to find out that the baby is fine. I'm just ready to have my body back to myself and sleep on my belly. Do you know how much I miss doing that? UGH... the things we do for children huh... lol.