Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Utter Lack of Dance Skills... lol

 Oh well, hahaha

So I'm glad to say that one of my favorite shows is back. America's Best Dance Crew had their season 7 premier last night. As I was watching this, I couldn't help but wonder where did my dancing genes go? Apparently dancing skills missed me completely. But the group of little girls were friggin amazing. Y'all should YouTube them. They're called 8 Flavahs. Anyways, I swear, when this little "blasian" baby is born and learns how to walk, I am putting him or her into some dance classes. We will break the cycle of non-dancing. Especially coming from 2 races (Black and Asian) that are supposedly known to be awesome dancers. Of course the two that can't even do the hokey pokey decide to get together... lol


Anyways. I went with our realtor this afternoon to do the final walk through of the house. Everything seems to be falling into place. I go in at 10:30am tomorrow to the realtor office and to sign and close, and to get the keys to our new home. So by 11:00am, Phil and I will be first time homeowners. It's such an amazing and wonderful feeling to know that we'll own the house. No more renting, no more dealing with shitty and slow management. We can do what we want to it, and our chewy puppy will finally have a good sized back yard to run around freely without wearing a leash all the time. the neighborhood is very safe, so that means I can walk Chewy around by myself and not be nervous because I'm alone. 

This packing process is taking longer than I expected. But then again, what was I really expecting? I'm pregnant, I can only do so much in a day, but slowly but surely, progress is being made. I just can't wait until we return these keys to the leasing office and are forever DONE with this complex. 

My pregnancy thus far. Right now, I have a weird craving for Classic Lays potato chips.I think it may be the saltiness that I like to taste. I can't eat too many of them because I would get tired of them real quick. But, I prefer them over the crackers. 

One thing that bugs me the most is my insomnia. Phil jokes around and says that I'm on "vampire hours". When it's night time, my body doesn't seem to let me sleep. But as soon as the sun starts to come up, that's when I get this strong urge to just sleep. I am trying soo hard to get back onto a normal sleep cycle... but it's soo hard. I try not to sleep during the day so that I'd be exhausted at night and sleep, but that doesn't work. It just leaves me super tired, and then I still can't sleep at night, so then I over sleep the next morning. If this continues, I'm going to bring it up at my next doctor's appointment and see what she has to say about it.

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