"That damn 'pee stick' changed my world forever."

I guess I should say a little bit about myself before I just dive into this whole blogging things about my pregnancy.
My name is Renee Niquez. I am 26 years old, and I live in Virginia Beach with the love of my life Philip Hecht. We've been dating roughly 1 year and 5 months (but who's counting... lol). We met on-board the USS Gonzalez. Yes, I used to be a Sailor in the world's finest Navy while trying to Accelerate my life being a part in the Global Force for Good. I just had to string together all the Navy Mottos.
I come from a very traditional old school religious family, and yes, I am also the middle child. [I'll leave that for another entry, I don't want to get off track]
It was around January 2012 when I thought I was just having a terrible case of food poisoning. I was nauseous, but I wasn't throwing up anything. More like dry heaving. And let me tell you, it was pretty damn annoying. Then I realized that I wasn't getting any better. So then I thought I had the flu. It made sense. I had a headache, chills, nausea, felt dehydrated, you name it. After feeling like this for almost 2 weeks and medication wasn't working, I decided I was going to make an appointment and go see a doctor or something.
But before I went to the doctor, I asked Phil to bring home a pregnancy test when he was on his way home from work. I just wanted to eliminate any possibilities. I didn't think I could be pregnant because I have ovarian cysts. Oh well... I guess it was just my time to be a mommy I looked at that stick [POSITIVE], and I just shook my head. I showed the results to Phil and we both then realized "holy crap, we're going to be parents."
Ok, I'm not upset that I'm pregnant. In fact I'm happy that we can actually have a child without using any hormone regimes, or expensive treatments. I guess you can say this baby is a blessing (depending on how you look at things).
His parents are ecstatic that we're having a baby. They are ready to be grandparents, this will be their first grandchild. My parents on the other hand, ehhh, not so much. I mean, they're not upset, but they wished that it would be in different circumstances. Like, they would have rather us be married first. Like I said, they're very old school and traditional. But hey, what can anyone do? We're both adults, neither of us are living at home, and we're making things work.
Hopefully this journey will get more smooth as we go along. We both have no idea what to expect because neither of us have ever had children. Well, there's no turning back now. We're already 12 weeks along, going strong :-)
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