Friday, March 16, 2012

Home buying while dealing with Morning Sickness

There comes a time in every couple's world where they have to put on their big boy underwear and big girl panties and buy a house. Phil and I were sick and tired of wasting our money renting apartments. And we did some number crunching and basically what we're throwing away in rent, we could be paying the same (if not less) towards a mortgage. We figured, we're having a baby. We might as well get a home in a nice area, with a reasonable mortgage (that's not costing an arm and a leg). So our search began.

We (more like he) started doing some online searches for homes that were available in the area. We wanted to stick to someplace that's not too far of a drive from base, since he's the one that'll be driving every day, to ship the belongs to The World's Finest Navy because he's Accelerating his life while being a part of a Global Force For Good because they're 100% on watch always.

Anyways. We looked at homes ranging from Hampton, Portsmouth, Norfolk, etc... We considered Chesapeake, but the taxes were ridiculous compared to other cities. No thanks, especially if it's our starter home, and not our forever home. We found a great realtor. He used to be stationed on our ship, so we know him, and we trust him not to fuck us over.

The thing about this random sickness during pregnancy is that it can hit you at any moment of the day. I remember when we went to go look at this one house in Portsmouth. We were walking around the kitchen, talking about how high the ceilings were and the moldings and this and that, next thing I know, I'm running outside puking in the grass. Phil looks at Joe (our Realtor) and says, "I'm guessing that means no on this one." Ever since that incident, I always try to make an "emergency pack". In my purse now a days I carry mouthwash, classic lays potato chips (for the saltiness), a bottle of water, Preggy Pop Drops (candy that supposedly helps with morning sickness), and whatever juice I can keep down that week. 

I hate driving around in the car going from house to house, city to city, trying to find that perfect house. It's tiring and it makes me want to throw up. We usually go on the weekends, because that's when he's free since he works Mon-Fri for like 12 hours a day. Some days I don't want to go, but buying a house is a decision that should be made by the both of us. And he really wants me involved in the process. So I guess I have to suck up the sickness and ride along in the car while searching for our perfect home. The other day, I literally asked Joe (our realtor) to pull over so I could literally puke up anything and everything I ate that morning and the night before. I felt soo bad and embarrassed, but he understood. 

I just pray that one day this kid gives me a break and that I start to feel better. There's no way that I can do 6 more months of this craziness. I love the fact that we're having a kid... but damn.

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